Applications of EME

The ETN-12 EME developed by ETN uses only 10 µl of organic solvent per sample in the pretreatment process before the analysis with analytical instruments, which significantly reduces the amount of organic solvent used compared to existing LLE and SPE technologies. Therefore, EME technology and our EME products can contribute to the promotion of greener chemistry, which is currently attracting attention in the scientific field. We hope that you will introduce our products to your laboratories to promote greener chemistry than ever.

This page will introduce the usage, fields, and various applications of EME products that are expected to be utilized in the future, based on the literature published using EME technology in the past. We plan to update this page as needed. First, we would like to introduce the usage, fields, and specific cases in which EME has been applied in the research phase, so that everyone can understand the potential of EME. In fact, we believe that EME has a wide range of applications and that there is ample room for optimization. In particular, looking over the EME-related literature published so far, there are few presentations by researchers in some countries.

We will keep you updated as more labs around the world adopt and develop applications using our products.

Applied fields of EME so far

A review of the published literature shows that EME has been used as a pretreatment technique for compound extraction from various samples and sample cleanup in a wide range of fields, including clinical, pharmaceutical, forensic, environmental, molecular biological, food, and beverage analysis, and its effectiveness has been reported in numerous cases.

Samples that can be processed with EME

Biological samples (whole blood, serum, plasma, urine, organoids, animal tissue, etc.), environmental samples (contaminated water)

How EME can be used for different purposes

EME applications can be broadly classified into the following categories based on “how they are used” by taking advantage of EME functions. Here, we will introduce examples and potential applications of use in each field.

①EME as a pretreatment device before analysis

②EME as a remover of unwanted compounds

③EME as a novel concentrator

①EME as a pretreatment device before analysis

EME is a novel analytical pretreatment (from sample cleanup to extraction, purification, and concentration in a single step), and its effectiveness has been reported at the research level in various fields. Future application development is expected in various fields.

<Clinical Field>

Improved efficiency of sample preparation before drug analysis and TDM analysis

Extraction of various basic, acidic, and zwitterionic compounds with EME has been reported.

<Pharmaceutical Field>

More efficient sample preparation for pharmacokinetic analysis

More efficient drug extraction from organoids

More efficient extraction of compounds from animal tissues (simplified homogenization of samples)

<Food and beverage>

Effective extraction of residual pesticides

<Environmental Field>

Improved efficiency of pretreatment before sewage analysis

②EME as a remover of unwanted compounds

EME can be used as a simple and efficient remover. As specific examples of use, research has been reported on the removal of PCR inhibitors and fluorescent dyes with EME. Based on the extraction principle, EME could also be applied to the removal of antibiotics from cell culture media in the field of regenerative medicine as typified by iPS cells, etc.

More efficient PCR inhibitor removal

More efficient fluorescent dye removal in protein research

③EME as a novel concentrator

EME can be used as a novel concentrator. By reducing the volume of acceptor solution relative to the volume of donor solution, mild concentration can be achieved at room temperature. It is expected to be effective for the concentration of compounds dissolved in high boiling point solvents.

Compound concentration from high boiling point solvents

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